domingo, 14 de junio de 2015

A 200 años de la batalla de Waterloo: recreación computarizada/200 years of Waterloo battle: a recreation

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A 200 años de la batalla de Waterloo: recreación computarizada/200 years of Waterloo battle: a recreation

by revistahistoriaparatodos
El 18 de junio se cumplirán 200 años de la batalla de Waterloo y la empresa de videojuegos Matrix Games y Slitherine group realizarán en vivo, todo el día una recreación de la batalla. Será en horario CEST (Horario de Europa Central de Verano, para aquellos que vivimos en Argentina, son 5 horas menos), más abajo estan los horarios

Si quieren calcular bien el tiempo: http://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/cest
Igualmente anunciaremos cuando comience la transmisión
When Historical Reenactment meets Video Games
Scourge of War recreates the Battle of Waterloo 200 years after through Twitch!
Arlington, VT, June 08, 2015.
"The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill." (Duke of Wellington -
British commander and statesman)
In order to properly commemorate the bicentenary anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, Matrix
Games is teaming up with developer NorbSoft to reproduce, live, the most dramatic moments of
the final great encounter between Napoleon and his opponents. This spectacle will be delivered
thanks to a live Twitch stream of Scourge of War: Waterloo, with historical scenarios being played
at exactly the same time as events happened in June 18, 1815.
The official schedule of the event can now be revealed (time zone is CEST):
 11:30 – Initial Attack on Hougoumont (30min)
 12:00 – Attack on Pappelotte (30min)
 12:30 – 2nd Attack on Hougoumont (60min)
 13:30 – Count d'Erlon's Attack on the Allied left (60min)
 15:00 – Attack on La Haye Sainte (30min)
 16:00 – Battle of Mt. St. Jean (30min)
 17:00 – Defense Against Arriving Prussians (60min)
 18:00 – Prussian Attack on Placenoit (60min)
 19:45 – Defence against Napoleon's Imperial Guard (45min)
So on June 18th, 11.30 (CEST) on the official Twitch channel of the Slitherine Group we will start to
bring back to life Napoleon, Wellington, Blucher and the thousands of soldiers who shaped the
destiny of Europe!
Additionally Iain Dickie – well-known expert on the Napoleonic era and specialist of the miniature
wargames world – will accompany us all day long and share a host of historical details with the
public to help us better understand the strategic and tactical aspects of the Battle of Waterloo.
Get more information on Scourge of War: Waterloo from its official product page.
Matrix Games is part of the Slitherine Group
About the Slitherine Group
The Slitherine Group is the world's leading producer and publisher of digital wargames and strategy
games. Under the Slitherine (www.slitherine.com), Matrix Games (www.matrixgames.com) and Ageod
(www.ageod.com) brands it has published literally hundreds of games, with many award-winning titles
in its portfolio and spanning all digital platforms, from home consoles to modern Smartphone's and
Tablets. Slitherine is also involved with book publishing, board gaming and works with a wide array of
key licensing partners, such as HISTORY®, MILITARY HISTORY®, Games Workshop®, Horrible
Histories™, Showtime, BBC, Osprey, Scholastic, Buzz Aldrin Enterprises and many others to deliver
the best blend of historical accuracy in an exciting and entertaining way. Together the Group
companies form the world's largest organization specializing in this important and vibrant niche. The
Slitherine Group's mission over the coming years is to lead the way in innovation and growth in an
ever expanding segment of the entertainment industry.
revistahistoriaparatodos | junio 13, 2015 en 12:48 | Etiquetas: Difusión | Categorías: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p5nbm2-5u
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