domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

What do Children Learn by Playing Board Games?


New post on In The Playroom

What do Children Learn by Playing Board Games?

by In The Playroom
Board games are one of the most popular types of children's toy. We played them ourselves growing up, and now we buy them for our kids. They offer lots of fun for the whole family and are perfect for quality time and family nights in - but what do children learn by playing board games? A whole lot of beneficial skills that will aid their development - that's got to be a win win.
When children are around two years old, you can try introducing them to very simple board games. With my children, this normally works best as a one to one activity with one child and parent while they get used to the format of board games and turn taking. Once they have that down, then you're ready to introduce them to playing in a slightly larger family group, with a sibling or two.
What do children learn by playing board games? This useful list walks you through some of the key skills and benefits - good to know!

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