martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Schneider: Alabama’s Teacher of the Year Says Goodbye to Her Students

dianeravitch posted: "Mercedes Schneider calls our attention to Ann Marie Corgill's letter of farewell to her students. As you may recall, Corgill is Alabama's teacher of the year for 2014-15. She decided to resign after she was informed that she needed to get new certificatio"
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New post on Diane Ravitch's blog

Schneider: Alabama's Teacher of the Year Says Goodbye to Her Students

by dianeravitch
Mercedes Schneider calls our attention to Ann Marie Corgill's letter of farewell to her students. As you may recall, Corgill is Alabama's teacher of the year for 2014-15. She decided to resign after she was informed that she needed to get new certification to teach the grade she was teaching when she won the award. She had taught for 21 years in grades 1-6. Her salary check was delayed for two months. She got the message, and she resigned.

Here is a small part of her letter to her students:

Rules and regulations and certification requirements can separate us physically, but they will never be able to separate your hearts from mine. I will help you, learn with you, write you, and even talk on the phone with you (even though I hate talking on the phone).

I want each of you to always remember that YOU are more important than tests, scores, federal laws, teacher certifications, or hurtful words that others say. It's your hard work, your never-give-up-attitude, your determination to become a team, your willingness to apologize and forgive others, and your character that matter most….not just now, but forever.

Please remember that I know what it is that makes each of you special and unique, and I want you to promise to continue to learn, live hopefully, and tell the complete and wonderful story of you. Once a Corgill kid, always a Corgill kid. Don't ever forget that.

dianeravitch | November 9, 2015 at 2:00 pm | Categories: Alabama, Students, Teachers | URL: http://wp.me/p2odLa-bDk
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