viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

Fun Activities to Encourage Healthy Eating

In The Playroom posted: "This post was contributed by Toad Hall Nursery Providing the right nutrition for your child is essential to ensuring that he or she grows and develops appropriately with age. Despite this, parents often struggle to outsmart picky eaters. That's why it's "

New post on In The Playroom

Fun Activities to Encourage Healthy Eating

by In The Playroom
This post was contributed by Toad Hall Nursery
Providing the right nutrition for your child is essential to ensuring that he or she grows and develops appropriately with age. Despite this, parents often struggle to outsmart picky eaters. That's why it's important to teach children from a young age about the benefits of making healthy choices: where food products come from and what encompasses a balanced diet.
One way to do this is to think of new and fun ways to get children involved. As parents, we all know that young children learn best through play. But educating and entertaining your child need not be expensive and complex. Sometimes the simplest of ideas can have the biggest impact.
Fun activities to encourage healthy eating. This post shares a few simple games to play with fruit and vegetables and ways to explore healthy food with young children
In The Playroom | February 26, 2016 at 8:00 am | Categories: Parenting | URL: http://wp.me/p3uLZj-5BM
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