sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

Florida Passes School Choice Bill, Again

dianeravitch posted: "The Florida legislature thinks that you can never have too much choice. Their one abiding goal is to destroy completely the traditional neighborhood school, which they think is the root of all evil. They would rather have kids go to a basement school in a"
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New post on Diane Ravitch's blog

Florida Passes School Choice Bill, Again

by dianeravitch
The Florida legislature thinks that you can never have too much choice. Their one abiding goal is to destroy completely the traditional neighborhood school, which they think is the root of all evil. They would rather have kids go to a basement school in a rundown church than attend a neighborhood school.

Now, the legislature has passed a law to allow high school students to transfer to any high school in the state, so long as they provide their own transportation, a seat in the receiving school is available, and the student has not been suspended or expelled. Wow! Just think!  A student in Miami can transfer to a school in Orlando, or Jacksonville, or just anywhere at all. What's next: full choice for any elementary school student in the state? Some really deep thinking going on here about improving education.

Florida also recently passed legislation that included the "best and brightest" plan that gives a bonus to teachers based on their high school SAT scores. Veteran teachers must have both their high school SAT scores (from 25 years ago?) and be rated highly effective to qualify. This is essentially a bonus designed for TFA temp teachers. The law was widely denounced as the stupidest legislation ever, but there is nothing that is too stupid for the Florida legislature when it comes to choice or harassing teachers.
dianeravitch | March 11, 2016 at 2:00 pm | Categories: Education Reform, Florida, School Choice | URL: http://wp.me/p2odLa-de9
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