martes, 19 de abril de 2016

A Parent’s Role In Preventing Childhood Obesity: 5 Important Ways

In The Playroom posted: "This post is contributed by Tovi of RocktheBabyBump.com Parents are in a position to help their children establish and maintain good health and fitness habits that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. During pregnancy, a woman's mindset on he"

New post on In The Playroom

A Parent's Role In Preventing Childhood Obesity: 5 Important Ways

by In The Playroom
This post is contributed by Tovi of RocktheBabyBump.com
Parents are in a position to help their children establish and maintain good health and fitness habits that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.
During pregnancy, a woman's mindset on health and fitness begins impacting the growing baby in her womb.

By becoming more mindful of your eating habits and maintaining a regular fitness routine, you can encourage your children to  seek out a fit and healthy lifestyle, which will help them to avoid many of the obesity-related diseases that can be developed from a poor diet and lack of exercise.
The Outcome...
Obesity-related heart disease is a sad reality that affects many children and young adults.
According to the IDEA Fitness Journal, children as young as eight are now showing signs of heart disease. This should not be happening!

A 2015 study that analyzed MRI scans of obese children, found that the obese children had 27% more mass and 12% more thickness in their left ventricle than what is considered healthy for children.
These two percentages are signs of heart disease.
The study also found that forty percent of the obese children also had concentric hypertrophy, which is a condition in which the heart's walls have thickened, which impairs the heart's ability to pump blood to the body. 

The researchers warn parents to help their children maintain a healthy weight to protect their hearts from the heart-harming effects of obesity.
Obesity is a very real problem in our modern world, but it can be reversed with the proper tactics.
childhood obesity
In The Playroom | April 19, 2016 at 9:00 am | Categories: Parenting | URL: http://wp.me/p3uLZj-6z2
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