martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

A New Blog Post from Teach Preschool!

I love cooking with the children because I know it has soooo many benefits but it can seem daunting to keep everyone going in the same direction. We m
Teach Preschool 2
I love cooking with the children because I know it has soooo many benefits but it can seem daunting to keep everyone going in the same direction. We made pumpkin spice muffins this week and it was so simple. Just one part pumpkin pie filling mixed with one part pumpkin spice cake mix. No other ingredients are added. You can see how we made our pumpkin spice muffins in the blog post below as well as discover some of the skills that cooking with preschoolers has to offer!

Cooking up skills in preschool
Deborah J. Stewart, M.Ed., 01 Nov 07:00 AM

Cooking with young children can seem so daunting. Everyone wants a turn to stir, pour, mix, and there is really no guarantee everyone will even get a turn to do it all. But even though cooking with a group of young children isn't always a smooth or perfect process, it is an excellent way to build all kinds of important skills…

Fall festival games and activities for preschoolers
Deborah J. Stewart, M.Ed., 30 Oct 05:54 PM

Each year, our preschoolers and families join us for our fall festival. It is a time where the families can get to know each other a little better and the children can show their parents (or other caregivers) all around our preschool environment. I thought I would share with you some photos of our games and activities that we explored this year…
Deborah J. Stewart, M.Ed.
Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!
My best,
Deborah J. Stewart, M.Ed.
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