jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Testing in Kindergarten: Too Much, Too Soon


New post on Diane Ravitch's blog

Testing in Kindergarten: Too Much, Too Soon

by dianeravitch
This post was written by Phyliss Doerr, an experienced kindergarten teacher in Néw Jersey.
As we wind down a year of tremendous controversy in the realm of education in the United States, I thought I would share some of my input given in January to a New Jersey Board of Education panel on testing led by Education Commissioner David Hespe.
As a kindergarten teacher, I find the trend to bring more testing into kindergarten not only alarming, but counter-productive and even harmful.

In the kindergarten at my school, we do not administer standardized tests; however, hours of testing are included in our math and language arts curriculum. In order to paint a realistic picture of the stress, damaging effects and colossal waste of time caused by testing in kindergarten, allow me to bring you to my classroom for our first test prep session in late September for 5-year-old children.
The test for which I was preparing my students was vocabulary. I say a word that we had learned in our "nursery rhyme" unit. Then, I read a sentence containing that word. If the sentence made sense, using the word correctly, the student would circle the smiley face. If the word were used incorrectly, they would circle the frown. This task requires abstract thinking, a skill that kindergartners have not yet developed — a foundational problem for this type of test.
My first sample vocabulary challenge as we began our practice test was the word "market," from the nursery rhyme "To Market, To Market." After explaining the setup of the test, I begin. "The word is market," I announced. "Who can tell me what a market is?" One boy answered, "I like oranges." "Okay, Luke is on the right track. Who can add to that?" "I like apples. I get them at the store." We're moving in, closer and closer. A third child says, "It's where you go and get lots of things." Yes! What kinds of things? "Different stuff." Another student chimes in: "We can get oranges and apples and lots of other types of food at the market." "Excellent! Everyone understands market?" A few nod.
"Now, I will give you a sentence with the word 'market' in it. If the sentence makes sense, you will circle the smiley face, but if it is a silly sentence and doesn't make sense, you circle the frown." A hand goes up. "Mrs. Doerr, what's a frown?" I explain what a frown is.
Next, I read the sentence: "'I like to play basketball at the market.' Now, does that sentence make sense?"
The students who are not twisting around backward in their chairs or staring at a thread they've picked off their uniforms nod their heads. "Please, class, listen carefully. I'll tell you the sentence again: 'I like to play basketball at the market.' That makes sense? Remember we said a market is where we shop for food."
A hand goes up. Terrell says, "I like soccer." "Okay, Terrell, that's great! But did I use the word 'market' correctly in that sentence?" "I don't know."
Another hand. "Yes? Ariana? What do you think?" "My dad took me to a soccer game! He plays soccer!" "Thank you for sharing that, Ariana." The students picked up on something from the sentence and made what seems to be, but is not, a random connection. "Girls and boys, look at me and listen. I want you to really think about this. Would you go to a market and play basketball?" At this point everyone seemed to wake up. Finally! I was getting somewhere! "YES!" they cried out in unison.
Of course! It would be a total blast to play basketball in the market!
So here we find another huge problem with this vocabulary test: a 5-year-old's imagination. A statement that uses a word incorrectly sounds OK to a child whose imagination is not limited by reality. It is the same reason Santa and the Tooth Fairy are so real to kindergartners — unencumbered imagination.
After explaining why we might not play basketball in the market, I called on a volunteer to come up and circle the frowning face. She went straight to number 3 on my giant test replica, skipping 1 and 2, and circled the frown. Why? She's 5 and has never seen anything like this. Give the same student a floor puzzle of ocean life and she and her friend will knock it out in 10 minutes, strategizing, problem-solving and taking turns with intense concentration.
The rest of my "test prep" for the 5-year-olds went about the same.
Then came the real thing. As testing must be done in small groups since the children cannot read instructions and need assistance every step of way, I split the class into two or more groups to test.
The results of the administration of the test on the first group were mixed. Despite being the higher level students, their very first test was definitely not an easy task. Instructions for anything new in kindergarten are painstaking, but for a developmentally inappropriate task, it is nearly impossible. For example, making sure my little test-takers have found their place on the page requires constant teacher supervision. I cannot just say, "Number 2" and read the question. I must say, "Put your finger on the number 2." Then I repeat, "Your finger should be on number 2." Then repeat it. And repeat again, since some have difficulty identifying numbers 1 through 10. "Let me see your pencil ON number 2. No, Justin, not on number 3. On number 2." I walk around and make sure that each child is on the right number - or on a number at all. If you're not watchful as a kindergarten teacher, it is common to have a 5-year-old just sit there, and do nothing test-related — just look around, or think, or doodle.
Next, I tested a second group. During testing, I walked around to see that a few students had nothing written on their papers, one had circled every face — regardless of expression — on the whole page, another just circled all the smileys and one, a very bright little girl, had her head down on her arms. I tapped her and said, "Come on, you need to circle one of the faces for number 5." She lifted her head and looked up at me. Tears streamed down her face. I crouched down next to her. "What's wrong, honey?" "Mrs. Doerr, I'm tired," she cried. "I want my mommy." It was a moment I will never forget. I took her test and said, "Would you like a nice comfy pillow so you can take a rest?" She nodded. I exchanged her paper for a pillow.
So this is kindergarten.
We force children to take tests that their brains cannot grasp.
We ignore research that proves that children who are 5-6 learn best experientially.
We rob them of precious free play that teaches them how to be good citizens, good friends and good thinkers.
We waste precious teaching and learning time that could be spent experientially learning the foundations of math, reading and writing, as well as valuable lessons in social studies, science and health.
I support and enjoy teaching much of our math and language arts curriculum. Teaching vocabulary is a valuable practice. However, I contend that testing in these areas at this age is not only meaningless, since it does not accurately measure a child's academic ability, but it is actually counter-productive and even damaging.
Further, I contend that my students are no further along at the end of the year than they would be if we eliminated most of the testing. In fact, they might be further along if we eliminated testing because of the time we could spend engaging in meaningful teaching and learning. Finally, I believe that a child's first experience with formal education should be fun and exciting, and give them confidence to look forward to their education, not full of stress and fear because they did not measure up.
Parents and educators must speak out against harmful trends in education so that they can be reversed immediately.
Phyllis Doerr of South Orange is a kindergarten teacher.
dianeravitch | August 12, 2015 at 9:00 am | Categories: Childhood, Pre-K, K, New Jersey, Testing | URL: http://wp.me/p2odLa-aVi
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