miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

Rachel Aviv: How NCLB Harmed Children, Teachers, and the Meaning of Education


dianeravitch posted: "If you have not read Rachel Aviv's "Wrong Answer" in The New Yorker, drop everything and read it now. Aviv tells the story of the Atlanta cheating scandal through the ideas of one man, one teacher, who cared deeply about his student. Step by step, he g"
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New post on Diane Ravitch's blog

Rachel Aviv: How NCLB Harmed Children, Teachers, and the Meaning of Education

by dianeravitch
If you have not read Rachel Aviv's "Wrong Answer" in The New Yorker, drop everything and read it now.
Aviv tells the story of the Atlanta cheating scandal through the ideas of one man, one teacher, who cared deeply about his student. Step by step, he got sucked into the data-driven obsession with test scores, thinking that if he raised the children's test scores, it was a victimless crime. He knew that his students had needs that were even greater than their test scores, but the law's absurd requirement that scores had to go up year after year drew him into a widespread conspiracy to falsify test scores.
One day will we look back on the Atlanta cheating scandal as the wake up call that made us think about how successive administrations and members of Congress have given their approval to laws and goals that hurt children and warped education? Or will we continue on the present path of destruction?
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